UNDP Economic resilience National Coordinator, innovator in Private Sector Development and Value chain Development.
Worked with Small Micro Enterprise Promotion Service (SMEPS) as a Senior Value chain officer and then Business Development Manager have sharped my experiences in the conflict and crises, post conflict phase and early recovery in three main areas 1) Value chain development, Business Development Services and Entrepreneurship enhancement.
I am certified as a value links trainer in Yemen and specialist in value chain studies and development, make market works for poor (M4P) and market based solutions (AFE). 15 years of experience in the economic growth approach which allows me to conduct many value chain studies in Yemen and worked in around 21 value chain sub-sectors mainly in the agriculture sectors such as horticulture, coffee, honey, cereals, fish, handicrafts, incense and services such as tourism sector. Beside working in rural development, I work in urban development scheme for youth where I conducted studies and developed some challenging sectors such as bio-diesel sector, solar energy and reconstruction. I worked with multi international donors (World Bank, USAID, GIZ, ISDB, SPARK and EU).