WILL, Margret

Freelance Consultant, Germany, Consultant on Sustainable Economic Development and Agriculture, Private sector development; value chain, cluster and trade promotion; food safety and quality standards; service and association development.

Education: MSc in horticultural economy, BA in foreign trade

Professional background: Technical Assistance since 1988 (GTZ, consulting company, freelance since 2000)

Regional coverage: South East Europe, North Africa, Africa Sub-Sahara, Ecuador, Guatemala

Specialisation: Sustainable Economic Development and Agriculture/Agrifood-industry: Private sector development; value chain, cluster and trade promotion; food safety and quality standards; service and association development


Will, Margret (2010): Food quality and safety standards: challenge or opportunity for small scale farmers in global supply chains? In: Association for Institutional and Political Economy (AIPE/VIPE): Do rules and regulations bind or build economic development; Wageningen University, Netherlands; forthcoming

Will, Margret (2010): Integrating Smallholders into Global Supply Chains: GLOBALG.A.P. Option 2 Smallholder Group Certification Generic Manual: Lessons learnt in pilot projects in Kenya, Ghana, Thailand and Macedonia; GTZ Sector Project Agricultural Trade; forthcoming

Will, Margret (2008): Promoting Value Chains of Neglected and Underutilized Species for Pro-Poor Growth and Biodiversity Conservation; Guidelines and Good Practices; Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species (GFU), Rome, Italy.http://www.underutilized-species.org/Documents/PUBLICATIONS/promo ting_vc.pdf

Will, Margret, Lambertus Vogelzang, Miriam Wanyonyi, Heike Hoeffler (2008): Capacity Development Concept for Value Chain Development; GTZ-Private Sector Development in Agriculture (PSDA); Nairobi, Kenya. http://www.gtzpsda.co.ke/bigace_2.5_RC3/public/index.php?cmd=smarty&id= 26_len

Will, Margret and Doris Guenther (2007): Food Quality and Safety Standards as required by EU Law and the Private Industry – With special reference to the MEDA countries’ exports of fresh and processed fruit & vegetables, herbs & spices – A Practitioners’ Reference Book; 2^nd edition; editor GTZ, Eschborn, Germany; CD.http://www2.gtz.de/dokumente/bib/07-0800.pdf

Guenther, Doris and Margret Will (2007): Standards and Quality Assurance Systems in Food Production; in: GTZ Services for Rural Development – Bulletin Nr 15; January 2007; GTZ, Eschborn, Germany. http://www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/en-bulletin15_2007.pdf

Will, Margret (ed., 2006): Local/ Regional Economic Development in South-Eastern Europe – Concepts, instruments, and lessons learned; GTZ, Eschborn, Germany. Deutsch: http://www2.gtz.de/wbf/doc/GTZ-LED_Suedosteuropa.pdf English: http://www2.gtz.de/dokumente/bib/06-0650.pdf

Will, Margret (2004): Perspektive Europäische Union – Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsförderung Südosteuropa; Hrsg. GTZ Arbeitsfeld Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsförderung Südosteuropa, Eschborn, Germany. http://www2.gtz.de/dokumente/bib/05-0070.pdf

Schwanitz, S., Margret Will und Renate Müller (2002): Competitiveness of Economic Sectors in EU Association and Accession Countries; Volume 1: Cluster-Oriented Assistance Strategies; Band 2: Guidelines for Cluster-Oriented Assistance Strategies; editor GTZ; Universum Verlagsanstalt, Wiesbaden, Germany.

Contact WILL, Margret