NGUENANG, Dr. Guy Merlin
GIZ, ProPSFE, regional coordinator in the East Cameroon of the GIZ Forest and Environment Support Program.
Guy Merlin Nguenang is currently working as Regional Coordinator in the East Cameroon of the GIZ Forest and Environment Support Program (ProPSFE). Within the program, he is the thematic leader on issues related to promotion of no-timber forest product’s value-chain, set-up of market information’s system between producers and buyers and development of public private partnership (DPP).
He has fifteen years of experiences on development programs with a good knowledge on value-chain approach and FAO’s Market Analysis Development (MD&D) approach.
He holds a PhD in Forest-Ecology jointly from the University of Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon) and the University of Liège (Belgium) in 2013. He has experience in environmental valuation, policy assessment and natural resource management.