GIZ Eschborn, management of natural resources, agricultural development, value chains, agricultural research.
Beate Weiskopf works as coordinator of the programme component ”Promotion of actors’ competiveness in the use of biodiversity” in a GTZ Programme Management of Natural Re-sources and Promotion of entrepreneurial competence (MASRENACE) in Nicaragua.
Her main background is on management of natural resources, agricultural development, value chains, agricultural research. In value chain development, Beate Weiskopf specialises on * Implementation of ValueLinks in Value Chains linked to Natural resource management and conservation of Biodiversity (experience in Coffee, cocoa, milk products, turism, wood, non wood forest products, honey, and others)
* Organization and Implementation of ValueLinks Training
* Management of a regional competence group/ working group on Value
Chains issues, for a regional pool of ValueLinks trainers in Latin
Her regional experience covers Latin America: Ecuador, Nicaragua, Bolivia; Africa: West-Africa.