GIZ-Eschborn, trainer / advisor / facilitator of value chain development programme, advisor on public-private cooperation.

Sonia Lehmann worked as advisor for GIZ in Ecuador at the Programm “Sustainable Management of Natural Ressources”. Her background is value chains development, impact monitoring, cooperation with the private sector and biodiversity. Her experience is with value chains development is related to: * Design and implementation of value chain development strategies for products and markets related to the sustainable use of natural resources and specialty markets. Example of products are: Cocoa, coffee, tropical fruits (fresh and processed), biotrade products (guayusa, alpaca fibers, golden berries, etc), milk and dairy products, wood and timber, jewelry, textile, tourism, etc)

 * Organization and conduction of ValueLinks Trainings (both for
   technicians and for trainers)

 * Support of a regional working group on value chain development
   related issues, for a regional pool of ValueLinks trainers in Latin

Her regional experience covers Latin and Centralamerica: Ecuador, Perú, Brasil, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Honduras.

Contact LEHMANN, Sonia